Starting July 21, 2020
Please join Lawrence Kanyan with a crash course in structural geology. Good News! The course is completely free. The following topics will be covered in the course:
- Folds and classification (including advanced concepts such as dip isogons)
- Faults and classification
- Stereonets
- True v/s apparent dip
You will also get a chance to interact with the faculty and clarify your doubts. You will also be provided with mentorship and leadership.

Who should attend?
The course is specifically targeted towards students who are preparing for GATE or JAM examinations. However, if you are still new in university and are just interested in broadening your learning horizon, you are most welcome to join us. Students preparing for UPSC CSE and IFoS examinations will also benefit from the course.

How can you jon?
First you need to express your interest to join the course. You will then be sent a meeting request to join the class. We will use zoom for the online classes. You can either download the software or you can directly join the meeting via your web browser. The meeting invite will be sent one day before the start of the classes.
You can register you interest here: